Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Product image 1Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Product image 2Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Product image 3Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Product image 4Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Product image 5Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)
Product image 6Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)

Milkbar Sugar High 20" Dragster Bike (Black Licorice)

Regular price $417.00

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only 0 left in stock

Skateboarders are different. They have this finely tuned ability to find freedom in risk. They also help define culture then, now and new. Most navigate the city, their neighbourhood, parks (and any place really) with a flow. When they get on a bike, the flow comes with them. It may just be to the corner store. Picking stuck licorice from teeth on the way back riding with a kind of glide. The lines skaters take feel out the road, sweep around the bends, push out from the curb and arc across the expanses.

It looks like music and sounds like fun. 20” wheels, banana seats and spring forks with nostalgic aesthetics and touches of gold all shrouded in the blackest of heavy metal black. Skateboarders remind us to not take life too serious, they show us to take life on. Young or not, everyone deserves to feel freedom. Take a different line with this bike. Go get some licorice stuck in those teeth.

Steel Frame, Heavy Metal Pedals, Front and Back Brakes, Chain Guard, Springfork Suspension, Adjustable Banana Seat, Kick Stand, Front & Back Fenders, Old-School Sissy Bar, High Rise Handlebars

      Please Note that all bike shipments are only partially assembled in box and will require some assembly feel free to contact us at Fufanu with any questions.

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